The Family

The Family

Friday, December 7, 2012


This has been one hectic week.

Working my regular day schedule along with five nights of finals with 700 plus students, not to mention all the complaints and problems that come at the end of the semester, have left me wondering if I can form a coherent sentence for this post.

The blur that has been this week has not been without its lessons:

Like being incredibily grateful for the many folks I work with that take their job seriously AND are a pleasure to be around (they make up for the ones that aren't).


Taking time before I had to leave tonight, even if it was only two minutes, to listen and watch Mattie laugh hysterically while Jack did nothing but jump around and make weird noises.


Realizing how great it is not to have to go through the mad rush of getting ready for school every morning - my nerves could not handle the routine panic that would create in this household.


Being so grateful that I have a job that allows so much flexibility and time to raise my children, because this week definitely wasn't normal in terms of how many hours I had to spend away from them.


Knowing that I have a gem of a babysitter who will be sorely missed once she graduates tomorrow and has to get a real job.


Seeing once again what a great husband I have - he's had the children for three-and-a-half hours every night this week all by himself after working 10-11 hours each day.


Hoping I might finally have time, once the children have gone to bed, to watch the dvds of the first four seasons of The Big Bang Theory that have been sitting on my dining room table for the last month.


How much I love to blog and how much I've missed it!

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