The Family

The Family

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

What Do You Do With a Bushel of Apples?

Eat them, of course.

But when it's an entire bushel you have to find ways to eat them 1. so you don't get tired of them and 2. before they go bad.

So, let me count the ways for you.

First, there's the traditional way - whole or sliced. Going this route requires an apple a day for every member of the family, especially a husband much in need of fruit in his diet.

Second, there's the all American apple pie, best served with a reading of "How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World" and topped with vanilla ice cream.

Then you could try this harvest casserole, these apple muffins or this apple brickle dip.

Still have some? Just hand a few out to family and neighbors.

Then, when it looks like those remaining are on their last leg and the skin is starting to sag, peel them and cook some fried apples for breakfast.

That's what you do with an entire bushel of apples!

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