The Family

The Family

Monday, October 5, 2015

Good Neighbors

There's something absolutely delightful in having good neighbors.

On Saturday we walked across the street to visit with ours.

Ms. Betty and Mr Charles, a couple in their late 70s, moved to our neighborhood two years ago. In the time since, they have become some of my children's favorite people. Case in point: Jack once told me, when he was mad at me one afternoon, that he was going to pack his suitcase and go spend the night with Ms. Betty and Mr. Charles - HA!

When we arrived on their doorstop on Saturday Ms. Betty was ready with brownies and ice cream. The week before she'd called me over to offer a pink trunk that Mattie now uses as a toy box and an old portable DVD player for Jack.

I can't even begin to recount how many boxes of vanilla wafers, bottles of ketchup and jars of peanut butter she brings us on a regular basis.

When the builder first began constructing their home a few years ago I was holding my breath. We had been used to a vacant lot that Jack used for playing, and, well, you just never know what kind of neighbors you're going to get.

We hit the jackpot with them!

They have a cozy back patio outfitted with wrought iron seating and rocking chairs. The creek running behind their property is the kids new place for trying to spot tadpoles. And Ms. Betty is already talking about us all coming over to roast marshmallows when the night air turns crisp.

Ah, good neighbors are a delightful thing indeed.

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