Wednesday, April 30, 2014

CSA Wednesday

On Wednesday we head to a local farm as part of a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. Here's what we got today:

More Strawberries

More Lettuce

More Eggs

Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Girl and a Bridge

We gather the tiny rocks.

We take them to the bridge.

She lets them drop, one at a time.


This is pure joy.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Boy and a Creek

When he stepped into the water two days ago he didn't look back.

He didn't reach for my hand.

He headed off on a journey of his own. A journey that only a 6-year-old boy, in a Huck Finn state of mind, can appreciate.

It was one of the many bittersweet moments of my parenting journey. He felt the spirit of adventure leading him and followed the call, which made my heart swell with pride. But there was a time when he wouldn't have dared go on his own, which left me with that horrible feeling of not being needed.

I stood there on the shoreline with his sister realizing how much independence comes with age.

Then he looked back, saw me and beamed from ear to ear!

And while the water had receded when we went back today, it didn't stop him from taking to the adventure yet again.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

CSA Wednesday

On Wednesday we head to a local farm to pick up produce as part of a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. Here's what we got today:

More Strawberries

More Eggs

This has become my favorite kind of lettuce

Saturday, April 19, 2014


I'm sure there isn't a time when Legoland Discovery Center at Phipps Plaza in Atlanta, Ga. isn't crowded. This past Tuesday was no exception.

I was glad for the head's up that is was more like a small theme park because I would have been taken aback when we arrived. My two aren't ones to jump in with a crowd of people, so they preferred sitting at the tables and stands located throughout the small space building their own creations.

I was also glad that neither asked about this ride because we wouldn't have been able to do it.
It was a two-seater,  and both my children are too young to ride without me or to let me ride with one while the other stands aside.

I realize this post is sounding like a complaint. And while it is a great and fun place, the Lego stores seem more our style.

The biggest pro from my standpoint was that it was relatively inexpensive for us, and Mattie, still being two, entered for free.

We also LOVED the replica of downtown Atlanta in one of the interior rooms. It was the least crowded area, and it was amazing!

I was too busy ooohing and aaahing to get more than one picture.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

This Blasted Cold...

...means we weren't able to pick up our weekly CSA share today.

Farmer Zach e-mailed last night to say that because of the deep freeze, the crops would have to be covered and evaluated before any picking could take place.

Maybe we'll be able to pick up by Friday.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Enjoying Spring

While three out of four of us might be suffering from the effects of all the pollen, it hasn't stopped us from getting outdoors and enjoying the beautiful sights of spring.

Friday was a great day for a picnic.

Friday night was a great night to spend outdoors dancing and conversing at a neighboring city's "Wine on the Tracks" event.

Saturday night found us outdoors again enjoying a party on a friend's newly built deck. Barbeque, macaroni, potato salad and my go-to fruit mix and cucumber salad made for quite a night.

And Sunday found two children playing in the water begging for summer.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

CSA Wednesday


It's the time of year when we begin picking up produce and other goodies at a local farm as part of a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. The program is starting several weeks later than usual because of this year's cold weather.

Here's what we got today:

Yummy Strawberries

Those farm-fresh eggs I love so much
I also purchased three whole chickens that aren't part of the CSA share. Another farmer is raising chickens on the land. They are antibiotic free, which really appeals to me. The best part is that they go ahead and clean out all the insides so I'm not left with the yucky task. I bought one a few weeks ago and stuffed the inside with lemon, garlic, thyme, salt and pepper.


I think I'm going to add bacon strips on top this go around as Barefoot Contessa's recipe calls for.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Potty Party

Mattie and I have been talking about it for weeks.

The balloons. The M&Ms. The chocolate syrup.

All in an effort to coax her to use the potty.

The term potty party shouldn't be confused with potty boot camp. I've heard others refer to this as a way to potty-train, but in no way will you find me involved in ANY kind of boot camp activity.

I have no desire to push Mattie into something she's not ready for, but the child is sending confusing signals.

On a daily basis she tells me when she has to tee-tee or poo-poo; she just refuses to do so on the potty. By refuses I mean she will sit there, but she holds it and won't go in the potty. As soon as I put the pull-up on, mission accomplished.

If I haven't mentioned this before, now would be a good time to state that Mattie is what you might call head-strong. She's the child that gets told not to do something, and is then likely to do it out of spite.

I can't remember where I read about the idea of a potty party - likely some other blog or parenting website. The idea is to spend an entire day, or weekend, letting the child run around bottomless and frequently take them to the bathroom.

I had a slight hope she'd actually use the potty today because on Thursday she was telling all the other mothers waiting to pick up their children from Jack's art class about the potty party. She made sure to mention the M&Ms and chocolate syrup every time!

No such luck.

We woke up this morning and headed straight to the new potty she picked out herself a few weeks ago. It was adorned with the balloons Matt bought last night because what's a party without balloons?!?!

She did spend most of the day without a diaper, but there was no going in said potty.